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Rabu, 07 April 2010

Sexy Fashion Stye 2010

Today is the time for celebrating the oh-so-called Valentine's Day, which happened to be something that I'm no longer doing anymore. I don't know when I stop feeling thrilled for welcoming the V-day, nor why I could ever decided to do so. Maybe because it's not something I decide, but more about something I get used to. Chocolates, flowers, cards, dolls... It seems so ordinary now, somehow. Valentine was quite a phenomenon when I was younger, like in high school and earlier, and I always get too vigorous about that. So if I lost my passion on Valentine now, my preteen fellows are the one to blame. BUT, despite of my unexcitement, there's another ironically funny change on my life recently, that actually supposed to lighten this Valentine issues : I'm officially started a new relationship. Wanna hear more details ? One, it happened like two weeks ago, and two : The guy whom I fell quite hard in love with is my bestfriend. THAT is the punch line. Falling over your bestfriend? Am I lunatic?

But seriously, this Mr. Bf is actually someone I've befriend with since about 4 years ago... We used to talk as mates, have lunch together casually, laugh together on our random phone calls at day... And I never thought that, someday, in sudden, he looked damn gorgeous and loving. How come? This is something I couldn't explain. Something I decided not to think about too, and just let it remains mysterious. You know, sometimes we can't defeat love, and rather surrender than asking for fights. Me, at first, always thought that I won't be in love nearly after quite a hard separation with my ex-bf. I thought it would take a year or couple to find another crush... and yeah, reality rules - now I'm in love anyway. I don't know why love could fall easily on me, neither understand how I even fall over this guy and the reasons why such feelings should ever fall upon us. My mind was on denial for times, and I kept refusing the way my heart whispers about this inner love I have. He's my bestfriend, for goodness's sake, how on earth I never realize that there's something going on, in a majestic way, between us? I don't think I really urged to know the anwers, though. This will be a long long journey... No need to know where the paths are leading to... Guess I'll just walk with it.

By the way, even Mr. Bf is a shameless person at one condition, I'm afraid I can't make any of his appearence here on my blog yet... He's too shy for that. And I don't wanna be more cheesy either by keep talking about us, so let me save you from confusion. Talking about the photos! On Saturday, I went to a nice little prairie on the mountain side with my friend Ocha. We were craving for the smell of grasses and fresh air... my little city is getting crowdy lately. We had some light conversations and fine hot tea together before we realize that we're not alone there... There was a small creature stepped its legs toward us. And then, just like Mary, I had my little lamb on my own too.

The good thing was, we didn't bring any lightings tools, so the whole lights are natural - from the morning sun rays. I was sun-drenched for the whole session, can't complained, it feels good. If there's anything I want today for Valentine, I'd kill for a bright day - it's been raining all day and set me gloomy for some unexpected reasons. Yaaawn. Still crossing my finger for a lovely evening today... Now I've got to prepare myself for a date with my parents - Dad is coming home yesterday. Meanwhile, hope you're having a lovely Valentine too, loves, with ones you always keeping your hearts for. 'Cause it's not about the day, it's about the way you put meanings on your life - each day and every phase, they all must be valued.

Don't you think they're lovable? I'm thinking about having a regular Lookbook Loves post, just like I once ever had Flickr Fascination post before for my Flickr favorite photos sharing. And it means I should blog more often. I've always WANTED to blog more. I really did. I'll think about the time-sparing first, then. I want to re-customized my blog, indeed, because I need it to be more simple and organized. Plus several parties had asked me about opening my blog for sponsorship... Would you, my dear readers, like to see some useful links of sponsor on my blog? I'm still considering the offers, so your opinion is seriously needed :) And, by the way, I had my old header replaced with the new one... which may will be replaced again nearly. I don't know. I want the header to reflect what this blog is all about, and I always design my header by myself, so it might take quite a long time to find the 'perfect' one. We'll see.

Oh, and I realized that my blogroll is pretty messy and haven't been updated since like thousand years ago, so please let me know whether your blog name has already linked or not - just leave a comment telling me your blog address is. I've visited many blogs and also had received wonderful comments from many new friends on my page, but as I have this very limited remembrance, I beg your understanding. There, thank you so much before. I'll write again tomorrow.

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