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Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

The World's Most Bizarre Diseases

Ten Most Bizarre Diseases In the world. Every person no one wants illnesses lodged in his body, but if the disease is a burden that comes to us again what the disease is a disease that comes mengerihkan in the world, and below is a little info mengerihkan disease in the world:

1. Elephant Feet (Filariasis)
The World's Most Bizarre Diseases
This disease is caused by parasitic worms Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and B. timori all of which can be transmitted by mosquitoes. According to the data, the disease has struck more than 120 million people in the world.

The transmission through the mosquito is when the infected female mosquito bites a person, the larvae, called microfilariae spread in the bloodstream, the larvae can survive this long. So that this disease is often only discovered after years of infection.

2. Progeria
The World's Most Bizarre Diseases
These types of diseases classified as very rare. Progeria is caused by a small error in the genetic code of the child, but it has to destroy and change someone's life. Children who are born with this disease not long age, will die at the age of 13 years, because their bodies are experiencing aging more rapidly, such as baldness, heart disease, weakening of bones and arthritis. According to research, this disease is very rare, only around 48 people attacked by this disease worldwide.

3. Werewolf Syndrome
The World's Most Bizarre Diseases
The feathers grow bushy places an undue, especially the back, face and arms. The first case was found b \ in a two-year boy named Abys DeJesus. Doctors who examined immediately recognize these symptoms as Human Werewolf Syndrome. So called because people with this disease throughout the body will grow hair like a wolf.

4. Blue Skin Disorder
The World's Most Bizarre Diseases
There was a family who lived in the hills around Troublesome Creek in Kentucky in the 1960s decade. Families are like family lainnnya, no father, mother and child. The strange thing is the family's skin color is blue, plum or in almost purple. Medically their bodies healthy. Just the color of their skin 'rada strange'. The family nicknamed the Blue Fugates.

5. Pica syndrome
The World's Most Bizarre Diseases
This disease makes sufferers with disabilities who do not eat sessuatu general, such as soil, paper, glue, powder and clay. But the way the disease is generally not experiencing strange symptoms. Body and their health mediocre. Until now health experts have found no cause and no cure for this disease.

6. Vampire Disease
The World's Most Bizarre Diseases
As the name implies, patients with this disease like Vampire, not tentuu not with sharp teeth or drinking blood. Patients with this disease always avoid the sun when out of the house, otherwise their skin will blister. In beberpa case even though the new blister direct sunlight.

7. Alice in Wonderland syndrome
The World's Most Bizarre Diseases
This disease attacks the brain and eye performance. AIWS or micropsia is a condition which affects human visual perception. The object was seen as smaller than reality, or byek who visits would seem very far, or vice versa was very close at the same time. Inii disease patients diagnosed as errors on brain function when you process the information is not because the structure of the patient's damaged eye.

8. Blaschko's Lines
The World's Most Bizarre Diseases
From the rows of diseases, diseases of this type belonging to the super rare and difficult to explain. Were first discovered in 1901 by Alfred Blaschko's, a German dermatologist. Who make strange, this disease has no symptoms can be predicted. The effect is the occurrence of V in the spine or S on the chest and abdomen.

9. Walking Corpse Syndrome
The World's Most Bizarre Diseases
caution if most consuming amphetamine / cocaine. I could have this type of disease. As the name implies, this disease is caused by mental distress syndrome in which patients complain to lose some body or whole body. Sometimes even they felt had died and become a walking corpse. Although this form of fantasy, but if it is acute, fantasies are usually developed, that patients can smell the rotting flesh, or feel the worms crawling dikulitnya.

10. Jumping Frenchman Disorder
The World's Most Bizarre Diseases
It also includes strange and unusual diseases. Disease patients should not be entirely surprised by a sound or vision that can not be predicted. A normal person would look when there is sound or something behind us. But people with this disease will be issued a strange reflexes such as hitting his arm, hitting his face, screaming hysterically or spoke repeatedly of a word.

Be carefull with 10 The World's Most Bizarre Diseases That. Keep Your healthy Life.

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